This Easter we encourage you to come and see the death and resurrection of Christ.  We want you to come and see the triumphant entry, the last supper, the garden prayer, the betrayal and trial, and the  crucifixion.  Of course, more than anything we want you to come and see the empty tomb in which Christ escaped with the keys to death and hell, giving us the hope of our resurrection.  The Easter Story according to the Gospels includes many themes and ideas including; conspiracy, future death, prayer, servitude, worship, new life, mission, empowerment, and the end times.  We do not end the Easter story with the Holiday that shares its name.  Easter and the power of resurrection lives on in the heart of every believer until Jesus comes again and even beyond.  We should live in the spirit of Easter every day. 

May 8, 2022
Come and See Part 10: The Second Coming (Matthew 24:27-50)
Series: Come & See

When Jesus comes back, the time to decide whether to follow him or not will be gone. The Master Is Soon Returning. Blessed Will Be Those Who Are Ready To Serve Him When He Arrives.

One day, we don't know the day or the time, but one day Jesus is coming back to rapture his followers for the final time. At that he will judge the whole world for their sins. Only those who know Christ will be spared. There will be no more chances to follow him. Rather, you must be ready before he comes. The only way to be assured that you are awake and ready is to be saved today! So are you ready? Do you want to be today?

As C.S. Lewis once said, “the doctrine of the Second Coming teaches us that we do not and cannot know when the world drama will end. The curtain may be run down at any moment; say, before you have finished [hearing] this paragraph.”

  • May 8, 2022Come and See Part 10: The Second Coming (Matthew 24:27-50)
    May 8, 2022
    Come and See Part 10: The Second Coming (Matthew 24:27-50)
    Series: Come & See

    When Jesus comes back, the time to decide whether to follow him or not will be gone. The Master Is Soon Returning. Blessed Will Be Those Who Are Ready To Serve Him When He Arrives.

    One day, we don't know the day or the time, but one day Jesus is coming back to rapture his followers for the final time. At that he will judge the whole world for their sins. Only those who know Christ will be spared. There will be no more chances to follow him. Rather, you must be ready before he comes. The only way to be assured that you are awake and ready is to be saved today! So are you ready? Do you want to be today?

    As C.S. Lewis once said, “the doctrine of the Second Coming teaches us that we do not and cannot know when the world drama will end. The curtain may be run down at any moment; say, before you have finished [hearing] this paragraph.”

  • May 1, 2022Come and See Part 9: The End Times (Luke 21:5-37)
    May 1, 2022
    Come and See Part 9: The End Times (Luke 21:5-37)
    Series: Come & See

    We are in the end times and have been for the last 2000 years. But as we move closer to the end it is becoming all the more apparent that we are in the end of the end times. And so, the question isn't whether or not we are near the end, the question is, how does the end change the way the church ministers. The church must endure, and the church must evangelize! Now is not the time to close up shop, now is the time to get after it like we've never gotten after it before! In the shadow of Easter we don't need rest and relaxation. No, more than anything we need revival! We may be rejected by the world but we still hold the cure for the world. Now is the time we are needed most and so we must rise up, find our strength in the power of the Holy Spirit and charge the gates of hell. The End Is truly near, but so is a new beginning in Christ. From the ashes of this world a new world Is being born. Our prayer is this: as the world falls down around us, let it fall, as all things must, at the feet of Jesus Christ.

  • Apr 24, 2022Come and See Part 8: The Ascension & The Promise Of The Holy Spirit (Luke 24:48-53)
    Apr 24, 2022
    Come and See Part 8: The Ascension & The Promise Of The Holy Spirit (Luke 24:48-53)
    Series: Come & See

    Jesus continually encourage his disciples with the aspect that though he is leaving them, he will not be gone for long for he is coming in the form of the Holy Spirit to not live with them but to live in them.

    Perhaps you need that encouragement too? Perhaps the fact that you cannot be with Christ in the flesh is a source of frustration. Perhaps you, like many others, have thought of how much easier it would be to have a strong faith if you could only see him with your eyes and touch him with your hands. How quickly we forget the words from John 20:29; “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” And we are blessed. We are blessed that we have the opportunity of faith in believing and not seeing. We cannot see, therefore our faith is all the more real. But we are also blessed in that we have a helper and comforter to give us even greater faith when our faith runs dry.

    This message is for those who long to see him, to see him with eyes of faith through the power of the promised Holy Spirit. The Ascension gives us a greater opportunity to see through the Spirit what we could never see with our eyes.

  • Apr 17, 2022Come and See Part 7: The Resurrection (Luke 24:1-49) – Easter
    Apr 17, 2022
    Come and See Part 7: The Resurrection (Luke 24:1-49) – Easter
    Series: Come & See

    The evidence for Jesus' resurrection is overwhelming. This is why the authorities had to engage in a major cover up. Look at our final portion of scripture this morning in Matthew 28:11-15. They paid the soldiers to say that the disciples had stolen his body. But even this lie did not work. After the resurrection, belief in Christ's resurrection skyrocketed. In just a few short days the Church would have over ten thousand followers.

    The point is clear; immediately after rising from the Grave Jesus showed himself to his followers who were in doubt. To the women at the tomb. To the men on the road to Emmaus. And finally to his disciples. And now he has revealed himself to us.

    Even though the resurrection may be the most scrutinized event of all time, the risen Christ has revealed himself to us through his Word, his Holy Spirit, those in the Church, and through academic means. Why? Because he reveals himself to those who seek him, those who walk with him, and even those who may have doubts about him.

  • Apr 15, 2022Come and See Part 6: The Crucifixion (John 19:16-42) – Good Friday
    Apr 15, 2022
    Come and See Part 6: The Crucifixion (John 19:16-42) – Good Friday
    Series: Come & See
    Jesus did way more on the cross than just die.  Anyone can die, but it took the Son of God on the cross carrying the weight of the world's sin for us to be saved.  Jesus had to be rejected on the cross by his Father in order for us to be accepted by the Father.  
  • Apr 10, 2022Come and See Part 5: The Triumphant Entry (Mark 11:1-11)
    Apr 10, 2022
    Come and See Part 5: The Triumphant Entry (Mark 11:1-11)
    Series: Come & See
    The city of Jerusalem explodes in adoration for Jesus. They accept him as the Messiah and Savior. They lift him up on the donkey of peace and they lay down their possessions at his feet. This is the most correct response ever to the most famous person who ever lived. But have we forgotten that he still lives. Have we lost sight of the fact that we no longer need to wait for him to arrive, he's here... in our hearts through His Holy Spirit. We can worship him anytime, and should worship him all of the time.  We must worship him as he deserves. So, how are you worshipping him? How are you carrying the king of peace with your life? How does your daily actions reveal that Jesus is the famous one? What might you need to change about how you live in order to be a better representation of Christ's fame? What are you laying down at the feet of the messiah? What possessions have you given him? Are you tithing and giving offerings in honor of him? What are you holding onto that you should lay down for his fame? How are you vocally declaring his fame? Are you so quiet that those around you have never heard you praise him? Would those who know you know that you think Jesus is the most famous person in your life? Have you ever praised Jesus in public? How can you do a better job of vocally lifting up your savior? Does your worship of Christ show others how famous He is? Jesus is the famous one and he is worthy of your praise!
  • Apr 3, 2022Come and See Part 4: The Trial of Jesus Christ (Matthew 27:1-26, Luke 23:1-25)
    Apr 3, 2022
    Come and See Part 4: The Trial of Jesus Christ (Matthew 27:1-26, Luke 23:1-25)
    Series: Come & See

    The betrayal and the arrest of Jesus were all a part of God's plan. And so it is when people betray us. When people betray you, when they come against you, Jesus knows about it, Jesus allows it, and Jesus has already figured out how to use it as part of his strategy to bring glory to God through the salvation of the lost. If this story shows us anything it is that even in one of his most vulnerable moment's Jesus was still in control. He is still in control. If you are in Christ, know this, he will never abandon you over to the ways of this world or to the will of satan... he has you in his hands and he's never letting go. Even though you may be betrayed, falsely accused, or unfairly judged by your peers, the fact that Jesus endured the same tells you that you are in good company.

  • Mar 27, 2022Come and See Part 3: The Prayer In Gethsemane (John 17, Luke 22:35-46)
    Mar 27, 2022
    Come and See Part 3: The Prayer In Gethsemane (John 17, Luke 22:35-46)
    Series: Come & See
    When we see Jesus praying in the garden in Luke 22:35-46 and John 17, we see five specific things we should take so seriously that we set aside time to pray for them daily; 1) The temptation of the flesh, 2) The Will of God, 3) The Glory of Christ, 4) The Purity of the Church, and 5) The Salvation of the Lost. Click the link below to hear the entire sermon.
  • Mar 20, 2022Come And See Part 2: The Last Supper (John 13:1-30, Matthew 26:17-35)
    Mar 20, 2022
    Come And See Part 2: The Last Supper (John 13:1-30, Matthew 26:17-35)
    Series: Come & See
    In order to celebrate this occasion, where God passed over the Israelites, the Hebrew people would have a huge celebration, a huge meal, and a public sacrifice of a passover lamb. Jesus wants to celebrate this special day with his disciples because he is about to be the final passover lamb. In one day he is going to give his life as the ultimate passover lamb, that whoever would believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. And so, around the passover table Jesus gives his disciples, and by extension us, four different ways we can respond to Him as the lamb of God who passes over those covered by His blood. We can respond in humility and serve others. Or we can respond in unbelief and betray him. We can respond in worship and remember him through communion. Or we can respond in fear and deny Him. The point is this; How we see Jesus determines how we respond to His sacrifice! 
  • Mar 13, 2022Come And See Part 1: The Gospel of Death (Luke 11:29-32)
    Mar 13, 2022
    Come And See Part 1: The Gospel of Death (Luke 11:29-32)
    Series: Come & See

    Look with me at the very first time Jesus reminds his disciples that He is going to die and rise again. Let's look at Luke 9:21-22, Mark 8:31-33, and Matthew 16:21-23. One thing of note here is that Peter, representing the disciples, rebukes Jesus, saying that this can't be. This of course is a knee jerk reaction because Peter loves Jesus and cannot bear the thought of losing Him. I think we may have reacted the same way. Jesus responds by saying, “get behind me Satan.” Peter is not thinking of this from a Godly perspective knowing that this is God's plan, but from a human mindset bent on his selfish desires.

    And, this is where we come in today. When we think of death, we often are not thinking of God's plan, but our own selfish desires. We obviously don't want to die, regardless if it is in God's timing. And, we will do anything we can to avoid it. But, in the midst of our selfish never ending pursuit to preserve our lives here, we are missing the fact that God has a greater purpose and plan for our deaths. Just as he had a plan for the death of Christ, he has a plan for our deaths. We never talk about death in a good way do we? But what is promised to those who die in Christ? Aren't we promised resurrection? Aren't we promised eternal life?

    Listen, we can't get to the resurrection of Christ without the cross, and we can't get to glorified life promised to all believers without dying first. Get this, God has a great plan for your death, for the death of a Christian always brings new life. A lack of fear from death born from a hope of rising again in Christ is a powerful testimony that the lost cannot ignore. That is why today, I invite you to come and see the good news of your dying in Christ, the Gospel of Death.