Sep 13, 2020
Culture Shock Part 1: Welcome To The Twilight Zone (Matthew 24:1-14)

We live in a very shocking culture, with ever changing goal lines, and it can make you dizzy. I was talking with a friend the other day and he said that 2020 feels just like we've walked into an episode of the Twilight Zone. It feels almost like we are living in an alternate reality. We've never seen anything like this before.  But, be assured, Jesus makes it clear that this is where we are headed as we get closer to the rapture and the second coming of Christ. The closer we get to the day of the Lord, the worse things are going to get. So, in reality... we haven't entered a parallel universe, we haven't entered the twilight zone.. we are actually just seeing scripture fulfilled. It was always going to get shockingly worse before it got better. We are in the last days.  And instead of just ranting on Facebook, or protesting at the capitol, or cowering in our homes... we need to learn how to respond to all of this according to scripture. How do we confront all of this... in a righteous way that brings glory to God?  We can make a difference for Christ in a shocking culture!  Romans 12:2 says.... “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds... This is so true for us today. We are in the world but not of the world. We must change the world without chasing it. Today I want us to see that Our Culture May Shock Us But We Mustn't Let It Shake Us.

  • Sep 13, 2020Culture Shock Part 1: Welcome To The Twilight Zone (Matthew 24:1-14)
    Sep 13, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 1: Welcome To The Twilight Zone (Matthew 24:1-14)

    We live in a very shocking culture, with ever changing goal lines, and it can make you dizzy. I was talking with a friend the other day and he said that 2020 feels just like we've walked into an episode of the Twilight Zone. It feels almost like we are living in an alternate reality. We've never seen anything like this before.  But, be assured, Jesus makes it clear that this is where we are headed as we get closer to the rapture and the second coming of Christ. The closer we get to the day of the Lord, the worse things are going to get. So, in reality... we haven't entered a parallel universe, we haven't entered the twilight zone.. we are actually just seeing scripture fulfilled. It was always going to get shockingly worse before it got better. We are in the last days.  And instead of just ranting on Facebook, or protesting at the capitol, or cowering in our homes... we need to learn how to respond to all of this according to scripture. How do we confront all of this... in a righteous way that brings glory to God?  We can make a difference for Christ in a shocking culture!  Romans 12:2 says.... “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds... This is so true for us today. We are in the world but not of the world. We must change the world without chasing it. Today I want us to see that Our Culture May Shock Us But We Mustn't Let It Shake Us.

  • Sep 6, 2020Philippians Part 8: The Secret to Being Content
    Sep 6, 2020
    Philippians Part 8: The Secret to Being Content
    Series: Philippians

    The secret to being content, to finding satisfaction in every circumstance, to rejoicing in all situations is simple – It's Jesus Christ. He is your strength. When you can't in yourself, you can in his strength. Play the cards you've been dealt for his glory.

     And, when you are in need, the body of Christ is here for you. No need to worry or fret, if you have a local church, you are never alone. In his strength and through the church, my God will supply your every need according to his riches in glory. If you find your strength in Christ... and you find supply in the body of Christ, the church, you will find contentment in Christ. When Christ is All You Got, Christ is All You Need

  • Aug 16, 2020Philippians Part 5: The Best Resume Ever
    Aug 16, 2020
    Philippians Part 5: The Best Resume Ever
    Series: Philippians

    Your resume, Paul's resume, no resume is good enough. No resume will be accepted. No one measures up, except Jesus Christ. So you don't need a better resume... you need a recommendation from the one who has the only acceptable resume. You need a recommendation from Jesus to be saved. You need him to present you before the father and vouch for you.

  • Aug 9, 2020Philippians Part 4: Shine
    Aug 9, 2020
    Philippians Part 4: Shine
    Series: Philippians

    If you want to be noticed on youtube you have to have Hollywood grade production value. You have to come up with the craziest gimmicks. And you have to do a lot of give aways. Thats what the world has to do to get noticed.But if we try that as Christians it will backfire. You see the world wants from Christians the exact opposite. From us they want authenticity. They want something real and not over produced. They want real relationships and real community.

    And, so, how do we get noticed? If we want to be noticed then we must shine. We must strike their sight by shining brighter than we ever have before. So we discipline ourselves to be spiritually mature people who possess the best of qualities; positivity, unity, integrity, purity. So we selflessly serve in big ways and for the long haul. We engage in relational outreach with big displays of love. We open doors for conversations through giant acts of service. We engage in conversation and form relationships. And eventually we earn the right to share the Gospel. And we risk it all for Christ. When you do this... you will Shine So Bright That You Can't Be Ignored.

  • Aug 2, 2020Philippians Part 3: Unity Through Humility
    Aug 2, 2020
    Philippians Part 3: Unity Through Humility
    Series: Philippians

    Humility is the idea that we understand we are not as great as we may be tempted to think we are, and in understanding this we live our lives without pride and arrogance while treating others with respect and dignity. Even in such a small sentence, we can see the power of humility to unite people and bring them joy.

    Why do we have such racial, political, social, and physical division in our country right now? Why is the division we see when we turn on the television about as bad as we've ever seen it? You can point fingers, or you can look within, humble yourself, and try to be the change you want to see in the world. We will never win this culture war with arrogance. Humility brings unity! Especially in the church, where, without unity the church cannot stand.

  • Jul 26, 2020Philippians Part 2: The Fight For The Faith
    Jul 26, 2020
    Philippians Part 2: The Fight For The Faith
    Series: Philippians

    As a Christian you have enlisted in the Lord's army to we fight the enemies of sin, secularism, and satan on a daily basis. We fight with a just and righteous cause, with the lives of every man woman and child hanging in the balance. Every moment we spend on this planet is spiritual warfare. Every place you go; you job, your neighborhood, your gym, your school, is a battlefield. And yet, so many so called Christians live life as if there is no immediate threat, and there is no need to fight. They've grown complacent to the cause, and they've put down their weapons, and they've allowed the enemy to advance, and this cannot be. Christian you are called to fight, until you take your last breath on this earth, you must never give up the fight.

  • Jul 19, 2020Philippians Part 1: The Joy of Ministry
    Jul 19, 2020
    Philippians Part 1: The Joy of Ministry
    Series: Philippians

    Listen, joy isn't about being in a happy circumstance, joy is about finding contentment in the work of God; in your life and in the life of others. Paul was able to do ministry with joy, no matter his circumstances, and you can to. Put your focus on serving others with the Gospel and you will find long lasting joy. When You Engage In Ministry You Will Inevitably Be Ministered To More Than Those You Seek To Serve

  • Jul 5, 2020One Small Step Part 6: In His Steps
    Jul 5, 2020
    One Small Step Part 6: In His Steps

    Do you want to take one small step towards Christ today? Then pick up the pace. Make sure you stay in step with Christ through the word and prayer. Make sure you don't let you past stop you from following Jesus. Make sure you don't try to get to the road in one sprint, but just make it to the bush a few feet in front of you. Pace yourself and keep Jesus in your sights.

    Do you want to make one small step towards Christ today? Then simply see what Jesus did, determine what he would do, and then do that! He loved, cared for, befriended, and ministered with outcasts. He forgave, served, gave, and prayed. He preached repentance, obeyed God's commands, and eventually humbled himself to suffer for us by dying on the cross. So... do that! It won't be easy... but it will change the world. Following In Christ's Steps Often Means Leaving The Easy Path.

  • Jun 28, 2020One Small Step Part 5: Drop Those Bags
    Jun 28, 2020
    One Small Step Part 5: Drop Those Bags

    So we continue to walk after Christ. We take step after step after step following our Lord wherever he goes. But as we follow in his steps... as we try to follow his lead, Satan isn't going to make it easy. He's going to do whatever he can do to get us off track. Satan is working overtime to derail us, isn't he? Look with me at Hebrews 12:1. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” We run after Christ, while all of Heaven cheers us on. But sometimes as we run, one small step after one small step, we pick up all kinds of baggage along the way, and it begins weighing us down. If we have too much baggage we will fall behind and fall out of step with Christ. And who's handing us the bags... Satan. Jesus says, leave all that behind... Satan says... hey, you need to hold onto this. Listen, you need to drop the baggage that Satan is trying to get you to keep to keep you from following Christ. When you take the first step in following Christ, which as we saw last week was trusting in Christ through faith and repentance, Satan will do everything he can to wreck you. He knows he can't take away your salvation so he tries to wreck your sanctification by weighing you down with all kinds of baggage. Today, we need to drop those bags. Or, as I was going to name this sermon “drop it like it's hot,” but 1996 wanted their phrase back so. Listen, it's imperative that we understand this today... If We Want To Run After Christ We Need To Leave Satan's Baggage In The Dust. Today I want us to see 4 types of baggage that Satan wants us to hold onto and Jesus want's us to leave in the dust.

  • Jun 21, 2020One Small Step Part 4: Established By The Lord
    Jun 21, 2020
    One Small Step Part 4: Established By The Lord

    So what does it mean that God establishes our steps?  I think we struggle with verses like this because they seem to weigh against our autonomy, our free will. Do verses like this mean that we really don't have a choice in the matter? Do they mean that when I make a step it wasn't really my decision to make that step, but instead God was making me make that step? And if that is the case, do I have any freedom to make my own decisions and take my own steps? Who's actually taking my steps? Me or God? And, does it really matter?  Well the short answer is yes, yes, and yes. But the answer is more complicated and at the same time more simple than that. Today I want us to recognize something so fundamental to our faith that it determines how we take our steps. As believers who everyday struggle to take small steps in God's way we need to get this... My Steps May Be My Own, But I Can Never Walk Outside God's Sovereign Path.

  • Jun 14, 2020One Small Step Part 3: Are We There Yet
    Jun 14, 2020
    One Small Step Part 3: Are We There Yet
    Don't we all get frustrated and impatient at times? Aren't we all, at times, just like kids in the car on the trip to the beach who keep saying, “are we there yet.” But there is joy in the journey isn't there? There's something worth celebrating about each step of the journey. I think it's important this morning that we “Don't Miss The Journey For The Destination.  So, we know the destination... we know that we are called to perfection... and even though we can't achieve it in this lifetime, we keep pressing on as though we must We press on towards perfection because Christ has saved us and loved us and now we want to love him through the way we live this life. We repent of our sin and turn to walk after him. And everyday we walk, step by step, closer to Him and what he wants for us. Everyday we strive after a greater spiritual maturity. And it's hard, and sometimes we mess up, and sometimes we move slower than others. But we know that there is grace and mercy with our God who is patient with us. And if he is patient with us, we can also be patient. Rather than throw our arms up and give up, rather than think that we are failures at this whole Christian thing, we recognize that we have made it to the bush. We aren't there yet.. but we aren't where we were either. And so we proclaim... We have made some movement and that is worth celebrating. Every single step forward is a step worth celebrating... the journey may be hard, and long, but it's all a part of God's plan to get you to glory... so Don't Miss the Journey For the Destination.
  • Jun 7, 2020One Small Step Part 2: Get Past The Past
    Jun 7, 2020
    One Small Step Part 2: Get Past The Past

    Our struggle isn't simply that we get bored or frustrated with small steps. Yes, we don't like small steps. We like to dream big dreams but we don't like to take small steps. But, it's not just because we are overwhelmed by the journey. There's something else that is keeping us from taking those steps. There's something holding us back isn't there? And you know what it is right? Say it with me, “My... Past.”

    It's our past. It's the reason why we don't like to make resolutions, it's the reason we struggle with commitments, it's the reason why we often stay in places that God has not called us to stay. We don't progress because, “I've tried it before and I got hurt, or I failed, or it didn't work.” God, I can't take that next step, because last time I took that step I fell and it hurt and I'm not sure I can get past it now. And here's something you need to understand. God gets it. God knows that our pasts are huge obstacles to moving forward. Look with me if you would at a passage I came across in the book of Lamentations. If you are looking for encouragement... I would encourage you not to read the book of lamentations. But there is one passage that is really good... the whole point of the book hinges on this passage right here. It says in Lamentations 3:19-23 that we will struggle with our past but the love of God and his mercies are new every morning. How do we move past our past? How do we take the small step past our past everyday? By recognizing that God is good and his mercy is new every morning.

    Today I want us to see that we can leave our past in the past. We can get past our past and start moving forward. Today I want you to know that... Your Past Can Only Hold You Back As Long As You Choose To Trust In It More Than The Mercy And Love Of Christ .

  • May 31, 2020One Small Step Part 1: Day To Day
    May 31, 2020
    One Small Step Part 1: Day To Day

    Many people consider the height of human achievement to be the moment Neil Armstrong stepped out of the LEM, walked down the ladder, bounced onto the surface of the moon, and said these famous words... “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Now we all know these famous words... but do we truly understand the gravitas of what they mean. Do we understand what a giant leap it was in the history of the world and in the advancement of innovation and technology? Exactly how many small human steps did it take to get to this small step on the moon?Are you aware that your lives are a series of small steps, one building on another. Small choices from birth that have formed who you really are. The distance from your beginning to now is a million miles long... but that distance still consists of small steps. Small steps that we rarely ever think of. Right? We don't like to think about small steps really. Why? Because we don't like small steps. What we like is big dreams. We love to dream big dreams but we don't like to take small steps.This morning we begin a journey of small steps that lead to big change. Here's your first small step! Depend on Jesus Christ! Daily depend on Jesus Christ. You don't need to take another step until you can take this step. Everyday determine to begin your day by hearing his voice and meditating on his word and depending on him to establish your steps. Your Destiny Is Determined By Day To Day Decisions. Your destiny is determined by day to day dependency on Jesus.

  • May 24, 2020Through The Storm Part 4: A Sign Of Hope
    May 24, 2020
    Through The Storm Part 4: A Sign Of Hope

    Instead of dreading the storms of life... the Bible, time after time, encourages us to rejoice in our sufferings. Romans 5:3-4 tells us to rejoice in our sufferings because eventually our suffering will produce perseverance, character... and lastly hope.

    And here is our final struggle with the storm... here is our final question; “how in the world can the tragedies of my life eventually produce hope?” How do I walk out of the storm, not simply alive, but filled with hope? Seems like a contradiction doesn't it? Storms, tragedies, trials, all should produce sorrow... and they do... but not hope and joy, right?

    This world will have storms and tragedies... we can't avoid them. But for every storm there will be a sign of hope... you just have to look and see them. Through the storm of cancer you can see the sign of a greater dedication to living a life of meaning. Through the storm of being fired you can see the sign of a new opportunity. Through the storm of divorce you can see the sign of a loving small group. Through the loss of a loved one you can see the sign of heaven and eternity with them. There are signs of hope all around us. Through every storm, God is supplying hope to those who know him. For every storm there is a sign of hope. Look at what the Bible says in Psalm 42:11 . When we are downcast, when our souls are hurting and there is turmoil within us... Hope in God... look to his signs of hope and praise him. God Has Never Allowed A Storm Without A Sign Of Hope

  • May 17, 2020Through The Storm Part 3: Quarantine Blessings
    May 17, 2020
    Through The Storm Part 3: Quarantine Blessings
    Could it be that every storm is a blessing in disguise?   God doesn't waste storms and neither should you.