Nov 1, 2020
Mission Minded Part 1: Missing The Boat On Missions

The great commission isn't a special mission for those who have ascended to the greatest heights of our religion. Rather, it's like learning your shapes or colors in kindergarten. It is the most basic thing we are called to do. To be a Christian is to accept the great commission as our most basic mission. Rookie Christians are expected to be missionaries - to go and make disciples, and yet here we are where statistics show us that 90 percent of professing Christians in America have never shared their faith to a non-believer and only 1 percent of us have actually led someone to faith in Christ. Suffice it to say, we aren't mission minded. In fact, I think it's safe to say that we've missed the boat on missions.

And so, we need to recommit to the mission of the great commission and learn what it means to be mission minded. Jonah was called to go on a mission very similar to ours, but just like many of us, he didn't want to go. He, like many of us, decided to make up his own mission and missed the boat. So as we begin this series by looking at the first two chapters of Jonah I want us to recognize this; Reclaiming The Great Commission Takes Repenting Of Grave Convenience.

  • Nov 1, 2020Mission Minded Part 1: Missing The Boat On Missions
    Nov 1, 2020
    Mission Minded Part 1: Missing The Boat On Missions

    The great commission isn't a special mission for those who have ascended to the greatest heights of our religion. Rather, it's like learning your shapes or colors in kindergarten. It is the most basic thing we are called to do. To be a Christian is to accept the great commission as our most basic mission. Rookie Christians are expected to be missionaries - to go and make disciples, and yet here we are where statistics show us that 90 percent of professing Christians in America have never shared their faith to a non-believer and only 1 percent of us have actually led someone to faith in Christ. Suffice it to say, we aren't mission minded. In fact, I think it's safe to say that we've missed the boat on missions.

    And so, we need to recommit to the mission of the great commission and learn what it means to be mission minded. Jonah was called to go on a mission very similar to ours, but just like many of us, he didn't want to go. He, like many of us, decided to make up his own mission and missed the boat. So as we begin this series by looking at the first two chapters of Jonah I want us to recognize this; Reclaiming The Great Commission Takes Repenting Of Grave Convenience.

  • Oct 25, 2020Culture Shock Part 7: Cancel Everyone (Ephesians 4:1-7)
    Oct 25, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 7: Cancel Everyone (Ephesians 4:1-7)

    If Christ has canceled our sin debt and forgiven us of all that we have done against him – how in the world could we ever think it okay to cancel someone else? Christ hasn't written us off... we can't write anyone else off either. We continue to sin, we continue to disobey, ignore, and rebel against our savior... and yet he says he will never leave us nor forsake us. Everyday we depend on the fact that Christ has not canceled us, everyday we depend on more mercy and more grace. And so, we must continue to show grace and mercy to everyone who needs it. How Can We Participate In Cancel Culture When Jesus Refuses To Cancel Us?

  • Oct 18, 2020Culture Shock Part 6: Christian Politics & the Presidential Election (Colossians 4:5-6)
    Oct 18, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 6: Christian Politics & the Presidential Election (Colossians 4:5-6)
    When you bear with one another in love you are engaging in politics. When you depend on Christ to reach the world with the Gospel to see lives completely transformed... you are engaging in politics. You can't avoid politics... and to try would be disobedient toward God. The great Martin Luther King wrote a famous letter, while sitting in the Birmingham, Alabama jail, which addressed this very subject. He said; “In the midst of blatant injustices inflicted upon the Negro, I have watched white churches stand on the sideline and merely mouth pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities. In the midst of a mighty struggle to rid our nation of racial and economic injustice, I have heard so many ministers say, ‘Those are social issues with which the Gospel has no real concern.’” Let me be clear this morning, there are no social issues with which the Gospel has no real concern. All people matter to God. He has given them equal worth, equal ability, and equal love. They are created sacred in His image. Therefore, he desires equal justice for all of them, and that demands our political attention.  
    But we must understand this as well. Christian's don't live just for the welfare of mankind. We live for the Glory of God. And so our politics are going to be a lot different than the world's.  I want us to understand that while we must engage in politics to some degree we are not fighting for an earthly kingdom.
  • Oct 11, 2020Culture Shock Part 5: Sex, Sexuality & The Transgender Debate
    Oct 11, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 5: Sex, Sexuality & The Transgender Debate

    No matter how mainstream our media tries to make it... transgender people are, and most likely will remain marginalized. And fair or not, probably fair, they believe that they will be judged most harshly by one group, us. And some of us are okay with that. Some of us think they should be marginalized and judged and discriminated against. And that's sad.... because that is not like Jesus. Jesus loved the outcasts, the sinners, the fringe of society. He was truly without prejudice. Jesus was magnetic and enchanting to a world hungry for something fresh simply because he chose to love the people that no one else would love. And, these are the same people that Jesus has called us to love as well.

    So, when it comes to the transgender issue what is our response? I want us to see today that God is calling us to something unique in our culture. He's calling us to disagree with an aberrant ideology that stands in contrast to his Word and conflicts with our sense of normality, while at the same time loving and respecting the people who carry that ideology. Transgenderism Is Not A Part Of God's Plan, But Neither Is Rejecting Transgender People

  • Oct 4, 2020Culture Shock Part 4: A Righteous Response To Racism & Riots (Proverbs 31:8-9)
    Oct 4, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 4: A Righteous Response To Racism & Riots (Proverbs 31:8-9)

    Racism still exists in our world today. Racism still exists in our country, our culture, and in our community. And as Christians; as those who have been set free from hell, death, and sin... we should do everything we can to see all men and women, regardless of their race, set free from any form of injustice or discrimination. We must fight against racism and we must not tolerate racism in any form because that's what Jesus would do. Galatians 3:28 says that we as humans are not divided by race, socioeconomic status, gender or any other external factor, but we are all one in Christ. As followers of Christ we must condemn racism.

    But, in the same spirit we must also condemn lawlessness and violence in the form of riots. Even if those riots are meant to bring about an end to racism. Two wrongs don't make a right. Romans 12:17 says, repay no one evil for evil. This morning I want us to see that the way we in the church respond to racism and riots reveals to the world who our redeemer is. This morning I want us to recognize the truth of the matter; Where Riots Fail, Jesus Succeeds. The End of Racism is Christ In Me.

  • Sep 27, 2020Culture Shock Part 3: Anger – Righteous & Unrighteous (Acts 16)
    Sep 27, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 3: Anger – Righteous & Unrighteous (Acts 16)
    In a culture as shocking as this one, our anger can easily be aroused.  But is it wrong to be angry with a sinful world?  God has made us with the capability to have righteous anger and unrighteous anger.  Our passions can often seem sinful in regard to our anger.  Praise God, the Gospel can change our passions and desires.  When we get angry, we have an example to emulate.  When we feel like we've been done unjustly we must remember that we have been called to be image bearers of God.  
  • Sep 20, 2020Culture Shock Part 2: Covid Christianity (Luke 21:10-12)
    Sep 20, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 2: Covid Christianity (Luke 21:10-12)

    There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic is the core issue of 2020. It has reeked havoc on our society, it has wrecked our economy, and it has ruined our plans in ways we could never have imagined. Nothing like this has ever happened in our lifetimes. And we can choose to let it discourage us and defeat us, or we can allow it to be used for something greater than our misery.  And, this is where we are confronted with one of our greatest personal conflicts of this year. Here's where the real struggle lies. Many of us feel that we have been treated unfairly by God. Many of us probably feel that we have been oppressed by the government. We say things like, how could God allow this to happen, or how could our government be so restrictive and take away our freedoms? And in the midst of it all we are left simply thinking of ourselves. We are throwing our own private pity party. Isn't it a shame that some of us have been so focused on how this has affected us that we have neglected to see the struggles and the afflictions of those outside our homes? Or worse, we have grown bitter and disenfranchised to the point of blaming and then abandoning God.  And, so, that leaves us with a important question this morning; in the midst of Covid-19, how can we take our eyes off of ourselves, and our struggles, and focus on what God says in his Word?  As we dive into scripture, we discover what our reaction as believers should be to our God, to the government, and to our neighbors as it relates to this pandemic. What God shows us is that; "The way the Church responds to Covid could determine how the world responds to Christ." 

  • Sep 13, 2020Culture Shock Part 1: Welcome To The Twilight Zone (Matthew 24:1-14)
    Sep 13, 2020
    Culture Shock Part 1: Welcome To The Twilight Zone (Matthew 24:1-14)

    We live in a very shocking culture, with ever changing goal lines, and it can make you dizzy. I was talking with a friend the other day and he said that 2020 feels just like we've walked into an episode of the Twilight Zone. It feels almost like we are living in an alternate reality. We've never seen anything like this before.  But, be assured, Jesus makes it clear that this is where we are headed as we get closer to the rapture and the second coming of Christ. The closer we get to the day of the Lord, the worse things are going to get. So, in reality... we haven't entered a parallel universe, we haven't entered the twilight zone.. we are actually just seeing scripture fulfilled. It was always going to get shockingly worse before it got better. We are in the last days.  And instead of just ranting on Facebook, or protesting at the capitol, or cowering in our homes... we need to learn how to respond to all of this according to scripture. How do we confront all of this... in a righteous way that brings glory to God?  We can make a difference for Christ in a shocking culture!  Romans 12:2 says.... “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds... This is so true for us today. We are in the world but not of the world. We must change the world without chasing it. Today I want us to see that Our Culture May Shock Us But We Mustn't Let It Shake Us.

  • Sep 6, 2020Philippians Part 8: The Secret to Being Content
    Sep 6, 2020
    Philippians Part 8: The Secret to Being Content
    Series: Philippians

    The secret to being content, to finding satisfaction in every circumstance, to rejoicing in all situations is simple – It's Jesus Christ. He is your strength. When you can't in yourself, you can in his strength. Play the cards you've been dealt for his glory.

     And, when you are in need, the body of Christ is here for you. No need to worry or fret, if you have a local church, you are never alone. In his strength and through the church, my God will supply your every need according to his riches in glory. If you find your strength in Christ... and you find supply in the body of Christ, the church, you will find contentment in Christ. When Christ is All You Got, Christ is All You Need

  • Aug 30, 2020Philippians Part 7: The Practice of Standing Firm While Running
    Aug 30, 2020
    Philippians Part 7: The Practice of Standing Firm While Running
    Series: Philippians

    How can we run and stand firm at the same time? They are pretty much opposite actions. If I run I can't stand firm, and if I stand firm I can't run. Is Paul confused? Have we finally found a contradiction here in the Word of God? Of is it possible that we can both run and stand firm at the same time?

    As crazy as it sounds, this is actually not a paradox. This morning I want you to know that the Christian life is both a race to run and a rest to stand firm in. I want us this morning to learn how to practice running while standing firm. You see, there is a secret to the Christian's joy. And, it's this; Jesus lives in us, and in a way runs for us, and if we are to lay hold of his life it is necessary that we stop trying to run the race ourselves, but allow him to run it in our stead. So we stand firm in Christ who actually runs our race. The Secret to Running the Christian Race is Keeping a Firm Grip On Christ Within.

  • Aug 23, 2020Philippians Part 6: A Prize Worth Pursuing
    Aug 23, 2020
    Philippians Part 6: A Prize Worth Pursuing
    Series: Philippians

    The Bible tells us time and time again that we are not running for the things of this world. Rather, we are running for a future kingdom, and all of our energy must be directed towards that purpose. 1 John 2:17 says that this world is passing away, but whoever lives for God lives forever. Matthew 6:19-20 reminds us that we aren't running for prizes of an earthly nature that are temporary, rather we run for a heavenly prize that can never be taken away. And even in our passage today, in Philippians 3:20 we see that our citizenship is not on earth, but in heaven and we live our lives here on earth eagerly awaiting the day when we receive our prize of going home. There is a race worth running and a prize worth running for, so run after the prize. In A World Full Of Worthless Trophies There Is One That Is Worth Pursuing

  • Aug 16, 2020Philippians Part 5: The Best Resume Ever
    Aug 16, 2020
    Philippians Part 5: The Best Resume Ever
    Series: Philippians

    Your resume, Paul's resume, no resume is good enough. No resume will be accepted. No one measures up, except Jesus Christ. So you don't need a better resume... you need a recommendation from the one who has the only acceptable resume. You need a recommendation from Jesus to be saved. You need him to present you before the father and vouch for you.

  • Aug 9, 2020Philippians Part 4: Shine
    Aug 9, 2020
    Philippians Part 4: Shine
    Series: Philippians

    If you want to be noticed on youtube you have to have Hollywood grade production value. You have to come up with the craziest gimmicks. And you have to do a lot of give aways. Thats what the world has to do to get noticed.But if we try that as Christians it will backfire. You see the world wants from Christians the exact opposite. From us they want authenticity. They want something real and not over produced. They want real relationships and real community.

    And, so, how do we get noticed? If we want to be noticed then we must shine. We must strike their sight by shining brighter than we ever have before. So we discipline ourselves to be spiritually mature people who possess the best of qualities; positivity, unity, integrity, purity. So we selflessly serve in big ways and for the long haul. We engage in relational outreach with big displays of love. We open doors for conversations through giant acts of service. We engage in conversation and form relationships. And eventually we earn the right to share the Gospel. And we risk it all for Christ. When you do this... you will Shine So Bright That You Can't Be Ignored.

  • Aug 2, 2020Philippians Part 3: Unity Through Humility
    Aug 2, 2020
    Philippians Part 3: Unity Through Humility
    Series: Philippians

    Humility is the idea that we understand we are not as great as we may be tempted to think we are, and in understanding this we live our lives without pride and arrogance while treating others with respect and dignity. Even in such a small sentence, we can see the power of humility to unite people and bring them joy.

    Why do we have such racial, political, social, and physical division in our country right now? Why is the division we see when we turn on the television about as bad as we've ever seen it? You can point fingers, or you can look within, humble yourself, and try to be the change you want to see in the world. We will never win this culture war with arrogance. Humility brings unity! Especially in the church, where, without unity the church cannot stand.

  • Jul 26, 2020Philippians Part 2: The Fight For The Faith
    Jul 26, 2020
    Philippians Part 2: The Fight For The Faith
    Series: Philippians

    As a Christian you have enlisted in the Lord's army to we fight the enemies of sin, secularism, and satan on a daily basis. We fight with a just and righteous cause, with the lives of every man woman and child hanging in the balance. Every moment we spend on this planet is spiritual warfare. Every place you go; you job, your neighborhood, your gym, your school, is a battlefield. And yet, so many so called Christians live life as if there is no immediate threat, and there is no need to fight. They've grown complacent to the cause, and they've put down their weapons, and they've allowed the enemy to advance, and this cannot be. Christian you are called to fight, until you take your last breath on this earth, you must never give up the fight.