Feb 26, 2023
He Said What? Part 9: The World Hates You (John 15:18-25)

Our final shocking statement in this series, is “the world hates you.” Wow. The world hates me? That's a lot to handle. I've had people tell me that they hate me before, and it hurt at the time, but I got over it. But now you are telling me that the whole world hates me? I don't understand, I thought people were generally good and that everyone was all about loving each other. Listen, yes, there are things in this world that are beautiful and fun; yes, I'm sure you have friends and family that love you and care for you; yes, your church family loves you and cares for you, but make no mistake, regardless of how it may seem, outside of the family of God; outside of the church, the world hates you because it hates our Lord.  John 15:18-25 makes this abundantly clear.  Why does the world hate us? Because this world is not our home. We are refugees in a foreign land. We long for another home. Why does the world hate us? Because we have rejected their gods for the one true God; a god which they also hate. Why does the world hate us? Because we have rejected their ways for the words and will of our God. And lastly, why does the world hate us? Because it has no other choice. And, I know that no one wants to be hated; and I know that the fact that the world hates us might make you sad, depressed, or even angry, but I assure you it is eternally more important to be loved by God and hated by the world rather than adored by the world and judged by God.

  • Feb 26, 2023He Said What? Part 9: The World Hates You (John 15:18-25)
    Feb 26, 2023
    He Said What? Part 9: The World Hates You (John 15:18-25)

    Our final shocking statement in this series, is “the world hates you.” Wow. The world hates me? That's a lot to handle. I've had people tell me that they hate me before, and it hurt at the time, but I got over it. But now you are telling me that the whole world hates me? I don't understand, I thought people were generally good and that everyone was all about loving each other. Listen, yes, there are things in this world that are beautiful and fun; yes, I'm sure you have friends and family that love you and care for you; yes, your church family loves you and cares for you, but make no mistake, regardless of how it may seem, outside of the family of God; outside of the church, the world hates you because it hates our Lord.  John 15:18-25 makes this abundantly clear.  Why does the world hate us? Because this world is not our home. We are refugees in a foreign land. We long for another home. Why does the world hate us? Because we have rejected their gods for the one true God; a god which they also hate. Why does the world hate us? Because we have rejected their ways for the words and will of our God. And lastly, why does the world hate us? Because it has no other choice. And, I know that no one wants to be hated; and I know that the fact that the world hates us might make you sad, depressed, or even angry, but I assure you it is eternally more important to be loved by God and hated by the world rather than adored by the world and judged by God.

  • Feb 19, 2023He Said What? Part 8: You Must Be A Slave (Mark 10:35-45)
    Feb 19, 2023
    He Said What? Part 8: You Must Be A Slave (Mark 10:35-45)

    If slavery is evil why would Christ call us to it? The answer is simple. The slavery of Africans in early America was not consensual. It was fully against their will, but Jesus calls us to willingly subjugate ourselves to his will. Jesus isn't going to make us his slaves; rather he is asking us to trust him and follow him autonomously. Jesus wants us to follow him so closely and trust him so greatly that our relationship shows that he is our master and we are his to do with us what he wills. Spiritual slaves. And unlike the cruel plantation masters of years past who beat their slaves into submission, Jesus gently and lovingly entices us into his service. He shows us a life worth living and lovingly woos us into a life which the Bible refers to as abundant. Where as human slavery was the worst kind of life, spiritual slavery to Christ is the most joyous freeing life we can have here on earth.

  • Feb 12, 2023He Said What? Part 7: Sell Everything You Have (Mark 10:17-31)
    Feb 12, 2023
    He Said What? Part 7: Sell Everything You Have (Mark 10:17-31)

    Again, we will see another shocking statement from Christ when he blatantly and boldly asks a rich man to; “sell everything you have and give it to the poor.” I'm not kidding. Jesus tells this guy that if he wants to be a disciple of Christ that instead of just coming to church a couple of times a month or praying before his meals, or just quit cussing; instead of that, Jesus tells him go sell all of your worldly possessions and give all of your money to the poor and then you can come and be my disciple! In our world, our consumerism driven, merit based, capitalistic society, that makes no sense. Jesus, I earned this money. Jesus, I worked hard for this money. Jesus, I thought you wanted to bless me? Surely Jesus isn't being literal.  So what am I missing?  Le't us stop hearing what we want to hear and start hearing what Jesus is saying because I promise you at the least he is saying this; if we have more than we need, which we do, and the world needs Jesus, which it does, then we can most certainly give a little more for the cause

  • Feb 5, 2023He Said What? Part 6: It Would Be Better To Drown (Matthew 18:1-6)
    Feb 5, 2023
    He Said What? Part 6: It Would Be Better To Drown (Matthew 18:1-6)

    Again we see here some seemingly shocking statements from Christ - not the least of which is this where in Matthew 18:1-6 he says; “it would be better to drown than to tempt a child to sin.” Jesus is straight up saying, that it would be better for you to die than to cause a child to sin against God. That's pretty serious.  Why does Jesus care so much about the purity of his children to the point that if someone causes them to sin they should die? There are many reasons but here we see three main ones. First, children belong to the kingdom of God because they are innocent. Secondly, children exhibit a genuine faith. And Third, the humility of children is one of the greatest virtues. Protecting our children's souls from the pagan ideals of this world is the responsibility of every believer; for both their sake and ours.

  • Jan 29, 2023He Said What? Part 5: Take Up Your Cross Daily (Luke 9:23-27)
    Jan 29, 2023
    He Said What? Part 5: Take Up Your Cross Daily (Luke 9:23-27)
    When Jesus said, "take up your cross daily," he was telling his followers to take up their electric chairs; to take up their lethal injections.  He's calling them to a spiritual death.  A death to this world and to the sinful mindset of the old man.  Unless we die to this world and to our own sinful desires we cannot follow Christ.  So how are you dying daily?  How are you denying yourself the things of this world for the sake of Christ?  How are you carrying the cross? 
  • Jan 22, 2023He Said What? Part 4: Who Are My Mother And My Brothers (Mark 3:31-35)
    Jan 22, 2023
    He Said What? Part 4: Who Are My Mother And My Brothers (Mark 3:31-35)

    One time Jesus was doing his thing and his Mom came to visit him and.. with his momma standing right there and everyone telling him, “Hey Jesus, your momma is here.” He said..... “who?” “Who is my mother and my brothers?” For real, check it out in Mark 3:31-35. Now, if I didn't know better I would think Jesus was acting the fool! You don't disrespect your momma by saying, “who is my momma, when she's right there.” But again, Jesus didn't mess up. He meant every word he was saying because again he was trying to teach us something by shocking our ears. Sometimes you got to shock them ears so people can hear.  So what exactly in the world did Jesus mean when he said, “who is my mother and my brothers?” Well, let's start by what he didn't mean. He didn't mean that his mother, Mary, was not his earthly mother. He didn't mean that he didn't love her and that he didn't respect her and treat her like any good son should. Jesus loved his momma. It didn't mean he had some beef with his brothers or that there was a domestic issue that needed to be addressed. Jesus loved his brothers; most of which followed Him in his ministry. So what did he mean?  He meant that while it was clear that he had an earthly family that he loved and cared for, the family that matters the most is spiritual family! Jesus isn't minimizing the importance of family relationships; rather, He is emphasizing that having a right relationship with God is more important. While you can't control which family you are born into, each of us must make a choice to be born again into the family of God. That's his point Blood may be thicker than water, but spirit outlasts blood! Many of us have family who are not our spiritual family. The cold hard fact is that unless they accept Christ, unless they submit to the will of God, your relationship with them will not extend beyond this world. But, for all who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, your relationship with them will last forever. So what really matters? One, those who are your spiritual family and two, doing everything you can to bring those who aren't into the family! The focus this morning is simple; We should celebrate our spiritual family by increasing our spiritual family!

  • Jan 15, 2023He Said What? Part 3: I Came Not To Bring Peace But A Sword (Matthew 10:34-39)
    Jan 15, 2023
    He Said What? Part 3: I Came Not To Bring Peace But A Sword (Matthew 10:34-39)

    In Matthew 10:34-39 Jesus makes one of his most shocking statements; "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” What does a sword represent?  Most of the time the sword represents war. It represents battle, and blood shed. It is the tool of choice when diplomacy has failed and the only way to find a resolution to our grievances is combat. It usually doesn't represent a good thing.  But, sometimes the sword is a metaphor for the Bible; the Sword of the Spirit. And of course we know that the Bible holds the answers for all of life's dilemmas. So which sword is Jesus talking about? Well, it's neither, and it's both. The sword represents division from the world or division from Christ. It represents a choice, and that choice can't be made apart from the Word.  And that decision, regardless of which one you choose, will bring chaotic wreckage in your life; a battle you will not be free from until eternity.  Either directly or indirectly Jesus brings division and his words divide mankind. It divides us into two distinct camps; those who take up their cross and follow him and those who ignore the cross and reject him; those who love the world and find their life in it and those who love Jesus more than the world and lose their life for his sake. And make no mistake about it; no one can ride the line with a foot in both worlds. You must make a decision or the decision will be made for you!  And unfortunately, regardless of which side of this decision you finally fall on, it will bring division to your world, to your family, and to your dreams.  But, in the end it will be worth it.  The bottom line is this; Following Christ will inevitably wreck your life; and thats a good thing.

  • Jan 8, 2023He Said What Part 2: I Came Not To Call The Righteous But Sinners (Mark 2:15-17)
    Jan 8, 2023
    He Said What Part 2: I Came Not To Call The Righteous But Sinners (Mark 2:15-17)
    It's a shocking statement that Jesus would rather build his church with wicked and depraved sinners than the observably righteous.  But Jesus can spot a fake can't he?  We can stand before God pretending that we are righteous, hoping that somehow he will be appeased by our religious efforts, but in the end we will find that he hates our half-hearted attempts at playing christianity.  What he desires is for us to come before him as we truly are, wretched, depraved, and broken over our sinful state.  What is the point of standing before the altar as a pharisee when we are nothing more than tax collectors unworthy of lifting up our heads to heaven?  Jesus isn't looking for the righteous for the righteous who see no need for him will never have any use for him.  Jesus is looking for those who know they can't make it without him.  Jesus is looking for those who know that if he doesn't come through then they are through, and the only way Jesus is going to come through is if you seek him in your contrition.  
  • Jan 1, 2023He Said What? Part 1: Unless You Renounce Everything You Cannot Be My Disciple (Luke 14:25-33)
    Jan 1, 2023
    He Said What? Part 1: Unless You Renounce Everything You Cannot Be My Disciple (Luke 14:25-33)
    Salvation is a free gift, but following Jesus will cost you everything! It may cost you your earthly possessions, it may cost you your earthly relationships, and it may cost you your very life.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer once famously said that "our earthly possessions dazzle our eyes and delude us into thinking that they can provide security and freedom from anxiety. Yet all the time they are the very source of it.”  Francis Chan also said that "God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.”  We must understand that being a disciple means that whatever else is in our life comes in at a far second priority.  We are not called to hate our family in the way we understand hate; we are to hate them in the way that we place them and their needs behind Christ and his will.  At times choosing Christ will look like we've rejected those competing for his position.  We must choose Christ; nothing else matters in the long run.  As Jim Elliot put it; "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”