Come and See Part 4: The Trial of Jesus Christ (Matthew 27:1-26, Luke 23:1-25)

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The betrayal and the arrest of Jesus were all a part of God’s plan. And so it is when people betray us. When people betray you, when they come against you, Jesus knows about it, Jesus allows it, and Jesus has already figured out how to use it as part of his strategy to bring glory to God through the salvation of the lost. If this story shows us anything it is that even in one of his most vulnerable moment’s Jesus was still in control. He is still in control. If you are in Christ, know this, he will never abandon you over to the ways of this world or to the will of satan… he has you in his hands and he’s never letting go. Even though you may be betrayed, falsely accused, or unfairly judged by your peers, the fact that Jesus endured the same tells you that you are in good company.