The Forgotten God
You may think that calling the Holy Spirit the forgotten God is a bit extreme but I don't. In my opinion the Holy Spirit has been tragically neglected for far too long and for all practical purposes has been forgotten, not just by secular society, but by the church itself. Francis Chan, in his book Forgotten God, says, “If I were Satan and my ultimate goal was to thwart God's kingdom and purposes, one of my main strategies would be to get churchgoers to ignore the Holy Spirit.” This cannot be tolerated and must be addressed.
Some people talk a lot about, or even boast about, the Spirit, but their lives don't produce any of His fruit. Others speak about Him in theological terms but don't have any connection with an experience of His actual power. Still many simply ignore Him and rarely feel a relationship or intimacy with God.
We need to be awakened to our need for the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our church and to show us how to make him relevant and real in the way we live. If the Holy Spirit moves, nothing can stop Him. If he doesn't move, we will not produce fruit, we will not exhibit a genuine example of Christ to the world, and we will not find the strength to push through complacency and trials. Most of all, if the Holy Spirit doesn't move we will continue to be satisfied with the superficial means of this world rather than the supernatural moving of God.