Fall On Your Knees
The world desperately needs hope! Jesus gives us more than a fleeting hope, he gives us a thrill of hope! A thrill of hope that causes a weary world to rejoice. But there is another part of that song I want us to pay attention to. It says, “Fall on your knees!” Why? Because Christ is the Lord, and his birth is divine! He is worthy of our worship and at the name of Christ every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is lord. Turn over to a verse with me that we are all familiar with. Matthew 2:11 says, “and going into the house, [the wisemen] saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down [on their knees] and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold, and frankincense and myrrh.” Who are these wisemen? Some describe them as the Magi. Men with supernatural power on a mission from God. Some describe them as Kings or representatives of Kings from the orient. More than likely they were a part of a select group of astronomers who based their scientific research on the prophesies of Daniel. When Daniel was brought into exile in Babylon he grew in position and began to teach other young men in wisdom and religion. Based on the fact that Daniel was a prophet, he most likely prophesied about the star of Bethlehem and when to look for it. These men, for hundreds of years, had been studying and waiting for just the right start and the right moment to find the messiah.
We often think of their worship having been a short session of bowing before the child and offering expensive gifts, and of course that is a part of it, but their worship began a lot earlier. This group of men had been worshipping the messiah their whole lives as they anticipated his coming.