Growth Electives
Our biannual growth electives meet for the spring and fall semesters. Every elective has its own specific focus. Electives in the past have focused on Revelation and the End Times, the book of Daniel, and Marriage Strengthening. These multigenerational groups are open to new attenders at anytime. We will begin new growth electives in the fall and in the spring. Our Spring '24 semester courses are below.
Apologetics 101 - The Case For A Creator
Sept. 4th through Oct. 23rd, 2024 - Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:30pm
Professors: Shevi Sloane & Austin Cox - At Stone Creek Church in the sanctuary. Open to anyone of any age. This study will equip you with logical, historical, and strategic answers to the world's questions concerning our faith and God's role in it.