Origin Of The Species

Feb 25, 2024    Shevi Sloane

How did mankind come into being? Is it as the Bible suggests; in the image of God and by the dust of the ground and the breath of God? Or was it, as 75% of the world suggests, through evolution? Of course you can be a theistic evolutionist and try to squeeze a square peg through a round hole marrying the religion of secular humanism (evolution) to the religion of the one true God, but when looking at the facts, the logic, and the conculsions of the founder of the evolutionary theory, it doesn't make much sense to do so. Rather, we it makes more sense to simply, by faith, believe that God did create man in the very way it is recorded in the book of Genesis and for the primary purpose of his glory. Our bodies were created in the image of God to be superior to the rest of creation in the way it works. Our minds (spirits) were created in the image of God to be moral, purposeful, and satisfied through meaning rather than survival. In the end it must be concluded that Man was created in the image of God from the dust of the earth for his glory!