Don't Look Down On The Young

Oct 29, 2023    Shevi Sloane

If our Leaders are to stay vigilant and steer us towards best practices for accomplishing our goals of depending on Christ to see the lost reached with the gospel and become completely transformed then they must not look down on the young. Look with me today in 1 Timothy 4:12. 

This is a common temptation within the church isn't it, to look down on the young? They are too immature, they are too wild, they aren't disciplined, they aren't focused, they are irrational, moody, and disrespectful. Sure, I get that to some extent. But if we were all honest, at times we all are the same. None of us are where we need to be with Christ, and in that sense we are all his kids. Paul's point to Timothy is simple. You are young which means in some circles you won't be respected. You have to rise above that. You have to rise above the bias of those who can't see what you have to offer because you are young. You must be so respectable that they can't ignore the truth which lives in you.