Pursue Righteousness

Dec 10, 2023    Shevi Sloane

There is a key quality that defines a believer's lifestyle. Rather than pursuing pleasure, or popularity, or prosperity like the world, they pursue righteousness in the likeness of Christ. Anyone can claim to be a Christian but the proof is most likely in the pudding. Do they live a life where pursuing the righteousness of Christ is at the forefront or are they clearly pursuing some other avenue. Those who are in Christ have been changed by Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tell us that we are new creations in Christ. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us what the spirit of that new life will look like. James 1:22 reminds us that we can't just hear the word but must actually put it into practice. And Romans 12:1 reminds us that as true believers we have had our minds transformed to pursue God's will. 

The bottom line is this: if we haven't been changed we haven't been saved. And the changed pursue righteousness! Elders and Deacons pursue righteousness. Covenant Partners pursue righteousness. The church pursues righteousness. Let's examine our main passage for this morning in 1 Timothy 6:11-16. This morning we are going to see several ways we must pursue righteousness and through it all we will recognize that... In pursuing righteousness we keep the testimony of Christ unstained!