God's Plan For Canaan

Apr 21, 2024    Shevi Sloane

Before the flood God's plan seemed to focus around the first family, Adam, Eve, their children, and their descendants. A very centralized story with a centralized location; the garden. But after the flood God's plan seems to shift focus to the whole world-- to the nations. Despite the continued sinfulness of the men God puts into action a plan to bless the world using a few specific nations we will look at today. Regardless of our pension to rebel and mess things up, God's plan for the nations will prevail. Look at Psalm 22:27-28. God will establish the nations as he sees fit and in the end they will remember him and worship before him. When we put our trust in God we will see the disarray of nations, not as something to fear, but as part of his master plan to save the world. 

God's plan for the world after the flood involves chosen enemies . There is something else here that we need to see that is often overlooked. The curse of Ham's descendants is so confusing there must be something else going on here. And do you know what I it is? It's the sovereignty of God choosing a nation to be an antagonist to Israel. God is showing us, through the story of Noah and Ham, the nation he is choosing to be the future enemy of his chosen people. The Canaanites were not cursed just because of Ham's sin. The Canaanites were cursed because God chose to curse them. Do you see what is happening here? God is mapping out the nations of the world, some for good and some for evil.