The Burden of Sin

Mar 24, 2024    Shevi Sloane

After Cain's offering was held in no regard by the Lord, he was angry and sullen in his spirit. So God came to him and warned him that if he didn't learn to rule over his sin that his anger would turn to something much worse. And of course, you know the story, it did. Cain's murder of Abel is a stark reminder that we cannot rule over our sin. Though we know we must, and though we may try very hard to do well, we will always fail. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No one can rule over their sin. The burden of sin keeps us from true worship. The burden of sin steers us towards evil works. And the burden of sin weakens our conscience. And yet, with Christ we can rule over it. When we hand the burden of sin over to Christ he sends us his Spirit to live inside of us and now we have the power to rule over our sin. Yes we will still sin occasionally, but now instead of yielding only to the flesh, we can choose to yield to the spirit. Christian, rule over your burden of sin by placing your trust in Christ and yielding to his spirit.